Products Of A Technical Writer

Travel Journals

Middlesex Digital Media Engineering

  • The art of information hiding involves concealing data within a carrier, ensuring its confidentiality and integrity. It encompasses various techniques aimed at securing information from...

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  • Sonification involves converting data or information into sound, allowing individuals to perceive and interpret complex datasets through auditory cues. This technique serves as an alternative...

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  • Practical compression refers to the process of reducing the size of digital data, such as files, images, audio, or video, to save storage space and...

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  • Audio synthesis finds applications in music production, sound design, virtual reality, gaming, and various multimedia projects. It continues to evolve with technological advancements, offering new...

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  • Image filter design involves the creation of algorithms or processes to manipulate images to enhance certain features, remove noise, or extract specific information. These filters...

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  • Morphing - ( Lab 3 )

    March 26, 2024

    Image morphing is a digital technique for smoothly transforming one image into another. It involves creating a sequence of intermediate images that blend the characteristics...

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  • Anaglyphs are a 3D effect that occurs by closely overlapping two images that have been put through a red-cyan filter to create a cinematic effect....

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  • Image synthesis involves the creation of images using computational techniques, ranging from traditional computer graphics methods to advanced deep learning models like Generative Adversarial Networks...

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  • Visual jockey (VJ) effects for music videos involve the creative manipulation of visual elements to enhance the viewer's experience and complement the music. ...

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  • Microcontroller boards are powerful hardware devices as they can be programmed to achieve a variety of tasks. Within this coursework, I developed an Arduino Controlled...

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Cloud Engineering Ramblings

Frontend Engineering Ramblings

  • For decades CMSs have proven to be an indispensable part of many web development stacks. Statistics have predicted that the CMS market in general will...

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